The Cast of Characters

Dan is the quasi-star of the show. Sometimes his actions confuse his friends to the point of questioning his sanity. Insane or not, his aura of craziness serves as the inspiration for the world of TAODAN. Some of his major interests include anime, games, DDR, IHOP, and competitive late-night tennis. He is also worshipped worldwide as a Metal God... at least his shirt says so.

Michael balances the group with his calm and rational thought... but not really. He does wield sarcasm all too much as his tool of choice. His slightly crazy personality allows him to be involved some impressively insane adventures. But don't let his demeanor fool you. He's much more crazy then he likes to let people believe. When the fourth wall shatters, he is also the creator of an obscure webcomic.

Jonathan is almost always around when something crazy happens. He is also usually the first one to laugh at the absurdity of some of the situations. However, far from the role of the outside observer, he has been known as a common accomplice in many bizarre adventures. His own little quirks include obsessive comic book and magic card collecting.

As a relatively recent addition to the group, Emily quickly realized how far she was in over her head. Overwhelmed by the group's collective insanity, she observes the crazy antics with a sense of confused awe. She also stands as proof that insanity is a rather contagious state of being. Her position is also unique as she is one of the few female members of the cast.

Often confused with Michael simply because of the similarity of their names, Mike strives for recognition as "the true Mike". Despite this petty bickering, he and Michael get along well enough to have formed a coalition. The nature of this organization is shrouded in mystery. His trips into the realm of crazy are just as frequent as the next person on this cast page. Also a vicious rogue photographer.


TAODAN - The Adventures of Dan is © Copyright 2002-2003, Michael M. Arsers. All rights reserved.